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15 Family Friendly ActivitIes During the COVID-19 Quarantine

by | Apr 19, 2020 | Parenting

15 Family Friendly Activities During The Coronavirus Quarantine

Family can be just as stressful as the Coronavirus.

The first couple of days are a welcome break from the hectic activities of daily life.  Over time, the stress of being cooped up with loved ones starts to build.  

The kids are restless and hyperactive.  You and your spouse just want some alone time.  It is hard to keep everything together and running smoothly.  The. You start hearing the frustrating and irritating phrase…


Before you get pushed over the edge, here is a list of 25 family friendly activities that you can do at home during the quarantine.

Let’s get started.


Quarantine Family Friendly Activities

Scavenger Hunt

Set up a family scavenger hunt with each person in the family hiding five items and writing down clues on whether where to find each item. Then see who can find the most items first.


Family Historical Play

Put on a production of a family play. Have each family member pick out an out rages costume and reenact favorite family memories from past events and vacations. For added fun record these plays and put them on social media for friends and family to enjoy.


Write Your Family’s Story

As a family write out or record the history of your family. Include each family member’s favorite memories or activities from the past. Each family member can write one chapter and they can all be put together to complete the entire book.


Dream Vacation Vision Board

Take a piece of posterboard or a cardboard box and use it to create a vision board for your dream vacation as a family. Draw or print out pictures of the places you would like to visit, the activities you’d like to do, and the memories that you hoped to make.


Family History Challenge

Have each family member and create a list of fun family facts that only sheer he knows the answers to and write down on a piece of paper or a 3 x 5 card. Take turns having each family member ask questions to the other members of the family. The family member that answers the most question wins.


Virtual World Tour

Spent the day traveling the world online visiting all the countries and places your family would like to go. Have each family member pick out a place they would like to visit to include researching activities and events they like to participate in while on the virtual vacation.


Unique Family Board Game

Create a board game that is unique to your family. Using a piece of posterboard, Pizza box, or just a plain piece of paper create a board game that reflects your families personality. Create custom game pieces and cards to add to the challenge. Write up the rules in an official rulebook.


Choreograph Dance Routine 

Produce a family dance routine by having each family member add a dance step or move to the routine in order from youngest to oldest.  Take several turns through the family to create a complete dance routine. Record the routine for posterity and laughs.


Home Gym Workout

Using everyday objects in furniture in the house, design a home workout routine for the entire family. Family members can add to the routine their favorite exercises using household items. For adult fun, time each family member going through the work out to see who has the fastest time.


Foreigner For A Day

Spend your day speaking a foreign language and observing foreign customs from another country. Write out all the common phrases for items around the house to include common greetings and phrases. Research customs to the country of choice and spend the day pretending you are from that country.


New Skill Challenge

Each family member picks outs one new skill they would like to learn in the next 24 hours. They are to practice that skill and then come together that evening and demonstrate their new skill or ability to the entire family. Bonus points for creativity and confidence.


Apartment Olympics

Create a list of new Olympic sports that can be done around your home. Bonus points for crazy and odd events.  Design and make your own Olympic medals to be awarded at the end of the Olympic games. Have each person compete in each activity and award metals to the overall winners.


Fashion Show Follies

Hold a family fashion show to highlight all the out of date and misfit clothes that everyone still has in their drawers and closet’s. Have each person pick it outfit and parade through the living room to be judged by the other family members. The family member that gets the most laugh points wins.


Indoor Campout

Go on a family vacation in your own living room. Create the most amazing pillow and blanket fort imaginable, including rooms for each activity and family member. Spend the evening in the family fort telling scary stories and making memories.


Time Capsule

Take a decorative box, mason jar, or other sealable container and create a family time capsule. Have each family member add items to the time capsule to include a note to their future self. Seal up the time capsule and put a date on it to open in the future.


Use these 15 ideas to break the monotony and cabin fever.  These are just a few ideas to spark your imagination, don’t be afraid to be creatively silly and enjoying this special family time together.


These activities can also be used to give one parent a break while the other part engages in the activity with the children. Alternate activities that include quiet time and intense activity to keep the children engaged.


Record as many of these moments as you can to treasure as future memories of the times we spent together as a family. You may even consider creating family T-shirts commemorating your survival of the pandemic of 2020!


Best Wishes,


Eric Beasley

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